Starting with MSI Afterburner -> Crashes in Loading Screen before entering main menu. Tried starting it without MSI Afterburner, worked perfectly, no crashes whatsoever. Then i found out that MSI Afterburner caused this problem. Also tried disabling directx 12 in bf1, game runes without crashing even doe im running msi afterburner but this time it wont show the OSD. That wonders me cause im running dx12 as my dxdiag says and its also enabled in bf1. Ive found an error message in the activity protocol that says something about my dxgi.dll file version 10.xxx. Tried everything around that matter but nothing helped.

Then after restarting my system i tried starting bf1 but it crashed, first i thought that it was a problem with my graphic driver installation or something else. So i did as origin told me, updated my graphic driver (nvidia gtx 980ti) to the version 375.86 (Origin wouldnt let me start BF1 if i wouldnt have updated it). So there was an 2 GB Update for Battlfield 1, after installing it origin told me to update my graphic driver. First off i would like to say that im running the latest version of MSI Afterburner and RivaTuner.