If you find a decent discount (20% or better) by all means, get it. The normal price of 20€ is quite steep for only 4-5 hours of content without replay value, despite the very good overall quality. The content is linear and there’s no reason to replay once finished, or any additional mode. It took me 5 hours to complete CARRION, taking extra time to explore all areas accurately. Very limited graphical options, without even a dedicated resolution selector. May be a stylistic choice, but I call it wasted potential. Many questions remain unanswered without any clue. The lore and story overall feel underwhelming, not elaborated enough upon. The total absence of a map, united with a labyrinthine stage design, makes backtracking for secondary content an obscure and frustrating process. Enjoyable progression system that constantly opens up new opportunities and ways to deal with obstacles.

High-quality art direction: it fully, visscerally conveys the terror, brutality, powerlessness during an alien outbreak.

Excellent level design that enables multiple approaches to most encounters, and has enough mechanical variety. A unique twist on a tried-and-true premise fresh and innovative.